Friday, April 14, 2006

Ok, ok. I know I put a ton of pictures on of the house before it was done and I haven't put one on there since. We are finally settled to a point where I think I can share a room or two with you. Ha! Here is our formal dining room! There will be more pictures to follow. I have lots of catching up to do! Happy Easter!


Jason O'Quinn - PLG said...

I'd like a reservation to stay there. Looks great!


DeLana Billingsley said...

J, you are welcome any time!!!! But you have to bring my nephew, so I guess you will have to wait a bit! :)
We are praying for you all! Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Just passed your blog on to a friend in FL, Janie Maynard, who wants to know what is going on in the Billingsley world. I love to see the pics of the boys. I never grow tired of seeing them. The dining room looks great. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon, and the house the next time we get up to MO. Love you, MOM

Jason O'Quinn - PLG said...

Do you guys have any other rooms?

Anonymous said...

Dining room is beautiful. Post more pics!!!!
