Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy 60th Nana!

We went to Dallas on Friday, September 15th to join in for the festivities for Nana's surprise party. We stayed with Holly and Jason on Friday night. On Saturday morning, we went to the church and waited for the limo to pick us up. It took us to Nana and Papa's house where Nana was waiting for Jason and Holly to get there to go to lunch ( so she thought). Bryce and Dylan walked up to the door with roses in hand and rang the bell. Nana was so surprised when she opened the door. It was very exciting. We then blind folded her and drove around in the limo for awhile so she wouldn't know where she was headed. Little did she know it was a few blocks away at her church where about 40 of her friends were waiting to surprise her. Once we were there, she was very shocked but very happy! It was a great surprise. Very well done Holly and Mr. B! We spent the next couple of hours getting to hear friends tell stories or blessings to Lois. We also had a special guest video from Emma, Clara, Clint and M'Liss who are in Africa! It was a great day! I think this will be one birthday Nana won't soon forget!


Jason O'Quinn - PLG said...

I guess you have more time to blog when your childless for a few days!

DeLana Billingsley said...

Yes I do!!!! It has been nice but I am ready for them to be home!