Greetings from Arizona!The boys and I took a trip to Tucson, Arizona to see Aric at the end of January! We had a wonderful time. Can't say that I missed the cold weather here as I enjoyed 70 degree days and got to hang out at the pool everyday, IN JANUARY! The boys even came back with a little tan line from their swim trunks! Oh, maybe one day I can be a "snow bird" and spend my winters somewhere warm like that!
We have some amazing pictures of some of the mountain ranges there. We enjoyed driving up as high as we could go, stopping along the way to take pictures. We got as high as 8000 ft. on one. The temperature at the base when we started was 65 degrees and as we got to the top it had dropped to 32 degrees and there was snow on the side of the road. Very interesting and absolutely breath taking!
The boys and I took little trips and adventures during the day and explored the scenery. We went to a T-Rex Museum, where the boys got to dig for fossils and bring home what they found. That was fun for both boys! We also went to the zoo one day, which I must say it was great!!! Bryce enjoyed seeing the polar bears the most! We also went to the Sonora Desert Museum, which was kind of the equivelent of an outdoor museum/zoo. But, very educational and beautiful and the same time!
Hats off to the boys for being such great travelers! I was really scared about doing airports by myself with them, but Bryce stepped up and was a huge help and thank the Lord they like to travel! They entertained most of the people on the planes which made it very fun! Hats off to Uncle Aric for letting us come and crash his suite for a week. He had a taste of what it is like to be around the kids 24/7. :) Needless to say, when Aric has kids, I doubt that he eats out as much as he does now! Ha! Ha! (Right Aric?)
Enjoy the pictures!!!