Saturday, December 03, 2005

Progress at 3604 N Brinnsfield Drive.......
(Yes, get ready for that next change of address e-mail from us!)

The past couple of weeks the progress has been a bit slower. They finally have all of the windows in (except the formal dining room on the front of the house). They have temporary doors on the front and back, so it is now pretty much enclosed for them to work inside. They now have the "paper stuff" on the roof and I would like to think they will be putting the shingles on any day now (since they were supposed to be done 2 weeks ago). The electricians were there this week (Friday) and got quite a bit done. The soffit and fascia are done on the outside. The fireplace and the built-in area for our big screen TV in the living room got done Thursday. So, anyway, little progress is progress! (Can you tell I am ready to be out of the 8 Mile and into my house?) God is testing my patience and perseverance with all of this that is for sure!

I have also included a picture of the progress of the pool house! It is going to be absolutely beautiful! Bryce is very anxious for this to be done so we can enjoy it!

1 comment:

Holly O'Quinn said...

I can hardly wait to see it finished. It looks like it's going to be great. I really don't blame you for wanting to get out of "8 Mile", especially after seeing what you have to look forward to.

Our boys will have playing in the backyard together. Can't wait!